Sayings of Rt Hon. Simon Bako Lalong On "JOS WANT PEACE"

Despite Return Of Total Peace in Jos. Plateau State Governor Assures....
"Our people represent our most precious investment and we cannot afford to throw away the great talents of any single citizen of this great state"

- His Excellency
The executive Governor of plateau state. Rt Hon. Simon Bako Lalong assuring of total safety in the home of peace/ tourism.
* Quotes of peace by Lalong is a special compilation of African word smith: chief Cerutti Mike Osage 2017 in Jos.
*For more information of the tourism potentials in jos please email us at:…/peak-motivati…

Despite Return Of Total Peace in Jos. Plateau State Governor Assures....
"Our people represent our most precious investment and we cannot afford to throw away the great talents of any single citizen of this great state"

- His Excellency
The executive Governor of plateau state. Rt Hon. Simon Bako Lalong assuring of total safety in the home of peace/ tourism.

* Quotes of peace by Lalong is a special compilation of African word smith: chief Cerutti Mike Osage 2017 in Jos.
*For more information of the tourism potentials in jos please email us at:

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