Arise From Slumber... Sam Adeyemi Now seating on Billions Once Brushed His Teeth Without Toothpaste ( Part 1)

By Mike Osagie
For Cerumedia inspiration

"As a man thinketh so he becomes"

The King Of Kings. Our Lord Jesus Christ Once Warned His Disciple To Be Alert And Will Return Like The Biblical Thief At Night
Such Is The Manner That Rough Time And Poverty And Rough Times Landed The Home Of Respected Televangel4st.Finance Cum Life Coach And Inspirator Rev Sam Adeyemi When His Fathers Busines Fell On Bad Times,
In Ths Part 1 Quote Post Adeyemi Warns You Not To Quit In Days Of AdversityAdversity
" You must hold your faith and dreams even in times of storm
" My life is case study, I was not born poor, but at a stage things became so bad for my father and I saw the true side of lack, for a long time I was stack broke and
stranded and at stage could not even afford common toothpaste, so I had to brush without paste, but not for once did I lose my focus " he says

° Part 2
How Adeyemi got his first book and fell in love with writing
Watch out


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