A classic world savings day poem from cerutti media poetic unit

Today is being celebrated in gratitude and confidence in brighter tomorrow. We are assured that our funds are safe and interest sure.
Money in our puckers and even more in our piggy;
When oil fails
When market rise
And debt increases,
We have a back up.....small or big
One that's not just a piggy.

The market moving up and down;then up ,then down again
Like an unstable current
Yet we have learnt to keep our cool as our loins are well guarded Money more money in our mother piggy.

We have hearts to save
Setting aside emergency funds
When the rainy day shows up you have our back
In the sunny days,
You keep our heads focus; focused on our obligations to save and save even more.

Men ought always to save some more
Not spend and spend even more
Seeing ahead of time
Painting pictures of theirs
Their very own future
And supporting such vision in saving ;as a mission.
One goal at a time....One gave at a go.

Piece by chi poeticpoetic

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