Somewhere in Africa, a Goodwill jewelry Ambition just came true

Dreams can definitely come true,if we remain focus and resolate on our eyes on the ball-

*By Czar CERUTTI M.Osagie
Wsap: 08020937003

The great human right activist, Martin Luther,the German reformer once said: " Everything that is done in this world is done in hope"

And it was such hope that motivated a young African jeweler by name,Goodwill Akhigbe​​ to recently invites the creme dela creme of the society to the grand opening of her dream come true R1470 heads & Accessories showroom on the high brow Lekki Sangotedo end of Lagos, at the children plaza, by Km 46 lekki /Epe expressway .

What a double dream come true? She did not only have her ambition to own a Jewell shop come true, she also had as special guest of honour, the Fashion designers of Nigeria President chief Mrs Funmi Ajila Ladepo present live,to declare  the place open

In an interview with CERUTTI media luxury unit later, she opines why she is excited to have the flamboyant Fadan President in the mix

" In life,we all have dreams and aspirations, for me, as a woman, I have few role models of which one is Chief Mrs Ladipo... I have always admired her for some reasons, namely her drive for perfection, passion for hard, high regard for the weak in society, her  high sense of family values and her open love  and respect for God

" To have her declare R1470 is dream come true, and with God on our side there is no more going back, this is just the start off, it's long way ride but we'll sure get there by faith in God "

* In part  ii of this report, Goodwill speaks on her vision for the style business and what drove her to set up the upmarket R1470 beads/accessories haven


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