CERUTTI success tips. series: A command to invest in self by Sir Benjamin Franklin
Not Investing in Yourself is. danger for future
America's first millionaire, Benjamin Franklin, was known for saying, "An investment in yourself pays the best interest." Warned successful living advocate, Daniel Ally.
Often, people depend on their employers to buy them books, send them to seminars, or provide them with coaching.
Often, people depend on their employers to buy them books, send them to seminars, or provide them with coaching.
However, you must take your education into your own hands if you want to prosper. Invest in yourself.
*Czar of letters”Cerutti Osagie can be reached for project work and speaking engagements via: youngchief@yahoo.com / +234 8020937003
visit his works @ :www.worldindustryleaders.blogspot.com
" www.ceruttimediaandbooks.wordpress.com
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