AMAZING!! 14 year old Master Tanimola Oluwaseke Shines@ Emirates grand prize for the “Be There Campaign” competition

IN psychology research literature, the term child prodigy is defined as person VERY SMALL who produces meaningful output in some domain to the level of an adult expert performer. Child prodigies are rare, and in some domains, there are no child prodigies at all.

But recently a great child talent was spotted when Fourteen year old Master Tanimola Oluwaseke, a student of Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja, has won the Emirates grand prize for the “Be There Campaign” competition, and grabbed two Return Tickets to travel to any destination of his choice on Emirates routes – London, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Phuket, Jakarta And Bali, LOS and New York, and Mauritus.

Fourteen Year old boy, Tanimola Oluwaseke, and the Regional Manager West Africa, Emirates Airline, Mr Manoj Nair, while presenting his gifts to him.
The “Be There Campaign” was a phone-in Radio competition on Radio Continental, in which callers were asked to describe the features of a given Emirates destination, after which winners were selected every day. At the end of the five day programme, seven (7) winners emerged, and a raffle draw was conducted to produce the grand winner. The winners included: Erapi Gabriel, Ijeoma George, Ayo Famurewa, Odiaka Chionye, Bartholomew Chibuike, Jimmy and Tanimola Oluwaseke.

The Regional Manager Emirates West Africa, Mr. Manoj Nair, noted that, is an amazing global network with a wonderful reputation for quality joins forces to give our customers the most comprehensive premium travel experience on the planet. “We take pride in being the world’s most global airline, with our Dubai hub situated at the crossroads between Asia, Africa, Europe and Australasia,” he said.
Mr. Nair stated that, Emirates ‘Be There’ Campaign is part of the global campaign of the airline aimed at celebrating curiosity, wanderlust, and the adventure that comes with travel. “In Nigeria, we partnered with Radio Continental to spur Nigerians, who are passionate about
travelling to phone-in and describe features/attractions of the chosen destination for the day. The best to bring his/her passion to life by capturing unique places or attractions of the given destinations wins for that day. This is to showcase how travel helps them know places and fulfil their dreams,” he disclosed.
He further stated that, “We, at Emirates are delighted that, a 14 year old student has won the grand prize for this competition. This shows that Emirates supports responsible competitiveness and gives equal opportunities to everybody succeed succeed.”
The Ondo state born grand prize winner was highly elated, and said he didn’t know he would win. His words: “I didn’t expect I would win because I was the youngest amongst adults. When I came here and saw myself in the midst of adults, I felt intimidated. I’m very happy to be the grand prize winner. I won two tickets meaning i will have to travel to any of these destinations with someone, but it’s a very hard decision to say whom I will be travelling with – dad or mum.”
He also explained that, even though he had been to London, which is also an Emirates destination, he would love to travel elsewhere. “I thank God and Emirates for this great opportunity to choose and travel to other destinations. The opportunity to visit any of the destinations will expose me to those places. I’ve never flown Emirates before, but I’ve always heard about their great services – luxuries, ice entertainment, games, etc. I love Emirates and encourage them to keep up with the good work,” he added.


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