The benefit of entrepreneur cannot be over emphasized and to this end Catholic church wants all  global youths to think like one

Now,in this article we present the benefit of being entrepreneur

Here are the ten reasons why I love being an entrepreneur so much!

1 – Stick it to ‘The Man’

Being able to send that email to my last boss and truly ‘stick it to
the man’ felt amazing. It was something that I had been wrestling with
for a while. Everything from financial security and the fear (if I’m to
be totally honest) of potentially falling flat on my face, came into
play. But, when I made the decision to quit, once and for all, I did it,
and I’ve never looked back.

2 – Work Your Own Schedule

Most days I will have ‘something’ on my schedule.
But, having the ability to dictate when I work, when I’ll be ‘in the
office’, available for meetings, etc., is freedom that I simply never
want to let go of. If I want to take the afternoon off to play with our
youngest, Charlie, then I can. You can’t do that working for someone

3 – Work Where You Like

Most days I work at home.
Some days in our HQ facility, and other days from a coffee shop. From
time to time I’ll even work from a resort (one of the advantages of
living in Cebu, Philippines).When I’m not doing any of that, you’ll no
doubt catch me working in airport lounges and in hotel rooms, as I
travel extensively. I love being location independent.

4 – Work With People You Like

One of the major benefits for me, being an entrepreneur, is the
ability to be able to pick and choose who I do business with. Life is
too damn short to be stressed out by having clients that drive you nuts
(I’ve fired several clients in the past) and to hire employees that
either don’t deliver, or you don’t get on with. Teaming up with the right people is key to a happy working relationship, and as the ‘big cheese’, you get to call the shots. Cool, huh!?

5 – Create Your Own Opportunities & Destiny

Continuing from No.4, as well as choosing the PEOPLE you work with
and partner with, as your own boss, you also have the ability to create
your own opportunities by doing things like attending conventions,
networking with like-minded people online and much more. In doing this,
you shape, almost carve out your own destiny.

6 – Develop and Sell Products & Services You Love

I can honestly say that every product and service I’ve produced for
my own companies I’ve whole heartedly believed in, and thoroughly love.
We felt just like this when we launched Virtual Staff Finder
in 2010 – based off of a blog comment we received. Since then we’ve
helped thousands of stressed-out, over-worked entrepreneurs find great
quality, enthusiastic virtual staff here in the Philippines. Bringing
that ‘virtual freedom‘ to fellow business owners is something I’m very proud of..

7 – Solve Problems and Make a Difference in the Process

Solving a problem for someone, or a company, is the time-honored
‘Sales 101′ strategy of business. Give people want they need to get over
a hurdle and you’ll enjoy success. You’ll also create a huge number of
raving fans that’ll ultimately become customers. People want to do
business with people that help them. It’s a no-brainer.

8 – Be the Boss


Being the boss is good. It feels good. Don’t get me wrong, it comes
with it’s challenges, for sure (perhaps thats another post?!), but being
known as someone that is ‘leading the way’ for a company and those
involved in that company is a huge ego stroke, lets face it. As long as
you keep it in check, stay focused and make sure that you deliver on
promises (to staff and clients alike!), then you’ll be fine.

9 – Stand Up for What You Believe In

Being an entrepreneur also gives you the chance to stand up for what
you believe in, and spread the word. I’ve been fortunate enough to be
invited to numerous conferences and business events to speak on
the subject of virtual assistance and outsourcing – strategies that I
believe every business owner should be engaging in to build their

10 – Affect Change in People’s Thoughts & Actions

And for me, the absolute BEST thing about being an entrepreneur is
the ability to be able to change peoples perceptions about how ‘this or
that’ should ‘be’. I’ve been in rooms where I’ve given presentations and
literally heard pennies dropping as the attendees understand where I’m
coming from and start to think about taking action on whatever it is I’m
waffling on about!



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