Turkish Cosmetics Trade Delegation arrive Nigeria

A special trade delegation of highly influential cosmetics manufacturers from Turkey has arrived Nigeria, for high level business meetings with leading importers and manufacturers of cosmetics in Nigeria. StartingTuesday October 29th, the Turkish cosmetics manufacturers will be holding a series of business meetings and close deals with selected leaders in the Nigerian cosmetics sector and provide fast track support for the cosmetics sector in Nigeria.

This underscores the growing strategic importance of Nigeria as a key emerging market and the increasing reputation of Turkey as a world class manufacturer and a reliable supplier of top quality goods and cosmetics. The Turkish cosmetics sector is particularly growing and realized over $ 1 billion in export value in 2012 alone. With Nigeria's large population and equally growing cosmetic industry, Nigeria and Turkey are poised for stronger ties and a mutually beneficial trade partnership

The delegation from Turkey,  will consist of: 11 companies, two senior representatives of IKMIB Istanbul Chemicals & Chemical Products Exporters Association and the owner of the project, two representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the Government of Turkey, MetinCobanlioglu the Director  of Globrand, Coordinators of the project. The Head of the delegation is the Chairman of IKMIB Mr.Murat Akyuz

The top cosmetics companies coming from Turkey include:Akdeniz Dis Tic. Gida San. Ltd. Sti.;AlfarKozmetik San. A.S.; Tic. Ltd. Sti.; DogatekIcve Dis. Tic Ltd. Sti.; IpekIdrofi I Pamuk San. ve Tic. A.S.;NucosKozmetikKimya  Tic. Ltd. Sti.; PinkarKimyaSanayiive Tic.A.S.; RebulKozmetik Tic.A.S.; SCK Zeta Dis TicaretPazarlama Ltd. Sti.; SebatKimyaSanayiIcve Dis Ticaret A.S. and TurkuazMedikal, Kozmetikve Dis Ticaret Ltd. Sti.

Mr.Akyuz, the leader of the delegation, pointed out that the  Turkish cosmetics Cluster is a special project aiming to increase international trade as well as boost the exports  of a selective group of companies. The group has been selected from the most competitive manufacturers in the sector. So far, the project have organized many activities in abroad, namely in Panama, Mexico, Paraguay and Chile. He noted, that "the cosmetics companies coming to Nigeria for this visit are amongst the world's best. Turkish products are of high quality European standards. They also have the advantage of competitive prices, flexibility in packaging and production as well as having the shortest possible delivery periods.

"Our special visit here reflects our commitment to Nigeria and our recognition of its importance as a key strategic market.  We want to develop long term business relations in Nigeria with our high quality products, and also make it easier for Nigerian cosmetic manufacturers and importers to do business with Turkey," Mr. Akyuz stated.


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