Was it not the great Earl of Lytton, Sir Owen Meredith who once mull over that ‘’ Genius does what it must, and talent what it can?’’All the way in American comes a young African Informational technology genius, Karo Akamune based In Mary land in UNITED States of America, an inventor and creative genius, he remains  an ambassador of sort to the Nigeria community in Diaspora where he has invented several landmarks, he recently celebrated his landmark birthday and was kind to oblige CERUTTI MEDIA GROUP an exclusive  audience with us where he spoke on his works, his life and vision for Nigeria information technology, centering on advice for African leaders ; enjoy the unconventional read..log now to:
Q: Congrats Mr. Karo on your landmark birthday, we pray for more grease to your elbow. Let’s start with Africa, how can Africa leaders develop our I.T MARKET?
A: Thank you for well wish, Chief Cerutti , I am very delighted.
To your poser, for us to have an Africa continent that thrives in Science & Technology, the various African Governments and the rich people must   provide the enabling environment. More funds and other resources must be dedicated to this sector. There has to be an attitudinal change. The general public and well to do individuals must pitch in. We are in serious need of a culture that celebrates and rewards inventions/innovations in Science & Technology. Also, our Scientists, Engineers, Technologists, Inventors, Innovators, etc must learn to come under one umbrella to work together in the spirit of, “Unity and faith; peace and progress”. 
 Tribalism and nepotism must be discarded. People from different tribes, religions, geopolitical zones, and sexes must take proactive steps to understand, tolerate, appreciate and have respect for one another.  It is imperative we place a greater emphasis on our common humanity and on our common nationality. This will require the spirit of, “give and take”. This will require forgiveness, love, trust and humility. As the saying goes in Africa, “Please, find it in your heart to forgive me”. All the tribes should, “find it in their hearts” to forgive, to love, to trust and to be humble in their dealings with one another. We have to face the facts and realities before us. No gimmicks.
 I desire to see a Africa of peace, security, and prosperity. Let us have a continent, where everyone is empowered to maximize their potentials, to actualize their dreams and to be greater versions of themselves. For this to happen, we must not only fight corruption. We must also destroy the twin-monster of tribalism and religious intolerance. We cannot have successful Science & Technology companies if we cannot work together. We cannot encourage inventions and innovations if we are at loggerheads with one another.

Q: OK, you are first a Nigeria before Africa, what are your dreams for your Country of birth?
A: I am passionate to see Science & Technology industries emerge, grow and thrive in Nigeria. It is a disservice to humanity to have a Nigeria that is an all-consuming society. We should not just be basically consumers of Scientific & Technological goods and services. We must be producers as well. We owe it to ourselves and to our children and to generations yet unborn. We owe it to the Universe. We have so much to give to our world. We must arise! I am so optimistic that we can have a Nigeria that not only imports Scientific & Technological goods and services but also exports as well. There is this, “thing” in me… I am so optimistic. I have faith in Nigerians. I just cannot be pessimistic. There is this, “thing”; this, “force”; this, “hand” that drives me! Nigeria must innovate or perish or be enslaved! In today’s world, in this 21st century, you cannot call yourself, “The giant of Africa“if you are not leading the pack in Scientific & Technological inventions and innovations in Africa. It is important for my Nigerian brothers and sisters to know that our engagement in Science & Technology will help put food on the table. It would create millions of jobs. It would play a major role in protecting our environment. It is paramount in contributing to reliable, affordable and efficient health care, etc, etc.

Q: Your elder brother and benefactor, Kesse Jabari has been described in superlative as one of Africa’s best hand in the style world, tell us a bit of him, we do not know
A: (laughs) Ekuriese Akamune, popularly known as, “Kese Jabari” is a blessing to Nigeria. By the way, the name, “Kese” is a short form of, “Ekuriese”. In our family, we fondly call him, “Kese”. We are from Eku, Delta State. Our father named him, “Ekuriese”, in honor, respect and recognition of Eku and her people. Ekuriese [in our Urhobo language] means, “Eku knows kindness or goodness” or, “Eku knows how to do good.” Kese is always calm and cool. He has always been a star, long before he came to national limelight. I think he’s one of the greatest fashion designers on the planet. He is multi-talented. In addition to being a fashion guru and a dazzling actor, he is also a very, very good writer. Most Nigerians do not know this because he’s not published any of his literary works. However, people are beginning to discover this through his writings on facebook.  Concerning the Show Biz Industry, I work behind the scenes. It is not necessary that I be known or visible. Hehehe…

Q: Now, for benefit of doubt how can Nigeria or African government or our people access your works for future prospective global networking?
A: The Internet makes things much easier. I made a documentary on a bicycle that rides on water; conceptualized, designed and built by a Nigerian, one Tony Orowho, a Deltan. The Water Bicycle Documentary, my Poetry CD and Book, “My Mice Friends! + PoemSong!” are available online at AMAZON ( People can know more of my works via various outlets online like youtube ( and facebook (

A: I run a charitable organization, “Ogaga-Hillary Foundation”, We are committed to providing education, food, shelter, clothing, and health-care to the less privileged in Nigeria.  I love meeting new people, hiking, online social media, literature and playing soccer. I would like to place an emphasis on literature: I write short stories and poems. I love literature!
I am a very detail oriented person and a people person. I am a Technology Developer, an author and a poet. As a Technology Developer, I work to promote Science & Technology in emerging economies like Nigeria. This involves processes and procedures, policies and implementations of Science & Technology matters that are key to the growth, development, maturation and sustainability of a society. Technology Development covers the whole gamut – from the idea stage (conception), to the prototype, to patent acquisition, to the actual product, to business development, and to mass production of the invention/innovation, marketing and constant/continuous improvement of the product.

Q: One final word of advice to all
A: The youths globally must take Education seriously. The words of Malcolm X come to mind, “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” Presently, I live in the State of Maryland in the United States of America. I have been living in the U.S. for 7 years now.


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